Our Firm has a very strong client base in established Catalan family businesses and high net worth individuals.

Families have a particular type of tax issues we can provide our service on, and they have relied on our team regarding the tax support they have needed in their businesses and expansion activities. 


Our practice in this field comprises giving our advice in connection with the various implications that personal income taxes, net wealth tax and inheritance and gift taxes can have on the family businesses activity along with our advice to anticipate the expected changes in the tax law that can allow our clients have the most appropriate long term planning for their income and their wealth from a tax point of view. 

Along with the process of expansion of many companies, expatriate tax services are increasingly demanded. We can assist individuals in planning and fulfilling their tax obligations in the context of an expatriation from Spain, or into Spain, as well as companies who second their employees abroad.

Our tax practitioners can solve all tax related issues concerning individual taxation (either income, wealth and estate), including tax inspection procedures, preparation of returns, expatriation and estate planning.

Since 2013, when the law was enacted, we also offer our services as regards the compliance of mandatory overseas asset declarations due by resident individuals.