In the present economic environment, Tax Authorities are under increased pressure to obtain bigger revenue. This is currently happening not only by amending tax laws to expand the tax bases, and by increasing the tax rates, but also placing additional burden on the taxpayer. This is becoming quite evident in increased and more in depth audit activity, as well as bigger tax assessments and penalties.

These dynamics are leading to the increased importance of the tax function at companies, but also at the level of individual and family businesses, that see tax as an area of increasing uncertainty and controversy. Also, changes in the legislation and the administrative and Tax Courts practice are making the relationship with the Tax Authorities more complex and difficult to anticipate, as compared to the recent years.

At the same time, this bigger complexity is not only affecting taxpayers, but the Administration too, and this opens a larger chance to find bases and arguments to appeal against tax assessments already raised, not only on their substance but also on the formalities of the administrative and litigation process. In more than a few cases, we are proud to say that we have been able to successfully assist our clients in their claims of a tax nature.

Our tax practitioners in the litigation group have extensive experience in handling tax audits and tax litigation cases, they are constantly keeping themselves up to date in the ever changing case law and new developments. Our expertise is essential for clients in the effective defense of their rights regarding the Tax Administration and the Courts.